
What our actual clients have to say

performanceBLUE, LLC (PB) has an excellent Win Rate (number of proposals won divided by number of proposals bid) and an excellent Capture Rate (dollar value of proposals won divided by total dollar value of proposals bid). Though we have outstanding win and capture rates, we believe that there is a far better, though underutilized, metric that we rely on: when a client calls us back for follow-on support. Our attention to detail, extensive proposal experience, and success rates have compelled our clients to call us back numerous times for follow-on support. Please follow our Twitter feed for continuous updates of our 'call-back' rate.

Vice President, Procurement

I think it is a great proposal. Thank you for your late-night assistance.

Company President

I will definitely speak highly of our relationship when asked. You have done excellent work.

VP of Finance

One hell of a job, I hope you're having a cold one and getting some down time tomorrow or in the near future.

Government Solutions Director

Thanks for your excellent leadership keeping this effort on track.

Company President

You did an awesome job on these documents. I'm so happy that you're a part of our team.

Chief Operating Officer

Thank you... Excellent work.

Founder and Vice President

Smashing! Well done.

Vice President, Public Sector

Appreciate your leadership and hard work on this keeping us moving forward and on task. Great to have you on the team.

Corporate Director

Thank you. Excellent work. This format is outstanding. Please keep moving forward. Thank you for being on the team.

Company Vice President

Great job on this...appreciate all of your efforts as I know these things are not always easy and especially so with a large team like this one!

Company Vice President

Appreciate your leadership and hard work on this keeping us moving forward and on task. Great to have you on the team.

Proposal Team Member

Thank you for your leadership to get this proposal done. It's great to work with you and I look forward to the next project.

Director, Business Development

It felt like you were one of us the entire time. The deliverable is a top notch work of art and a testimonial to your professionalism, capabilities, attention to detail, and the ability to herd sheep and get them to produce something other than a 'Bahhhh'.

Delivery Director

Thank you! You did a great Job!

Senior Proposal Manager

I should be thanking you. You came in at the very end, ramped up quickly, adjusted to the team and the schedule, and made a good proposal even better. No easy task.

Project Manager

I know NASA loves that kind of data and I agree, it's made the proposal very strong. I can't imagine another company coming in with a stronger presentation. This is a great job.

EVP, Business Development

Thanks so much, you rock.

Company President

I appreciate your being able to save my bacon with my not having sent you the proper amendment to work with in the first place. You are awesome!!

Company President

Many thanks for your guidance and professionalism on this project! It would not have happened without your involvement.

Founder and CEO

This is fantastic. Thank you and your team for the hard work.